One Canon (Edinburgh)

Photograph of One Canon in Edinburgh.
Photograph © PubQuizzy 2024

Address: 1 Canonmills, Edinburgh, EH3 5HA
Telephone: 0131 558 7080
Quiz starts at: Tuesday, 7.30pm
Prizes on offer: 1st – £30 voucher; 2nd – beers; last – booby prize. Also, the top 3 teams each nominate someone to take part in the cash bonus round, which consists of 5 questions. Answer all 5 correctly and the prize is the cash from the entry fees; otherwise, the cash rolls over to the following week up to a maximum of £500
Entry fee: £2 per head – maximum of 6 per team
Food available: Yes – last orders 9pm; crisps, nuts etc. also available. There is a 2 for 1 pizza offer for tables booked in advance

Visit the bar’s website or follow them on facebook or Instagram.

Visit the quizmaster’s facebook page or his instagram page

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